Additional print logos available to members at:

The Better Contractors Bureau is a non-profit consumer protection agency established in 1974 to be of assistance to the homeowner when dealing with contractors. It's mission is to "PROTECT & INFORM" the consumer and its goals are to eliminate the unscrupulous contractors in the five county area it serves around Monroe County and upgrade the image of the industry!

"Executive Director"
Better Contractors Bureau



Presented to the Better Contractors Bureau

CALL THE BCB - 585-338-3600

The Better Contractors Bureau (BCB) is always available to help the consumer when dealing with contractors and now during the Corona-19 Virus more than ever! We would like to warn homeowners, especially our seniors that whenever a crisis occurs the fly-by-night, unscrupulous, scam artist contractors flock here from out of our area more than ever to take advantage of those that may need emergency repairs or home improvement projects!
Now that the construction phase is open just a few things to watch out for if approached by drive by contractors looking for work:
1.DO NOT deal with a contractor that shows up driving a vehicle with out of state license plates!
2.Watch for scare tactics and always say you will be getting other estimates!
3.Compare prices with other contractors as the crooked ones will be out to gouge you!
4.Some travel with children who are trained to ask to use your bathroom and while you are outside talking with the father will go inside with that ruse and will take that time to steal anything they can hide under their clothing! Especially money, jewelry, etc.
5.Beware of roof, gutters and chimney scams and don't allow them up on your roof as they will purposely damage them to get exorbitant prices, especially if you actually need an emergency repair!
6.Never pay in cash and always make check payments out to a company's name not a person!!!
If you are able to use a computer go to the BCB's website at www.The-BCB.net and when the page opens click Member Info on the very top and when that opens click Member Categories and simply scroll down to the contractor trade category you need for your project or emergency! You will find BCB members listed there who are all Registered, insured and must meet rigid Standards of membership including swearing to a Code of Ethics!

If you feel you are being scammed or gouged try and get the contractor's name, address, phone number and license plate number off their vehicle and when they leave immediately call and report them to your local police department. Watch out for any of your elderly neighbors who may live alone and tell them if any contractors approach them to call a relative, friend or neighbor to be there at the same time the contractor is there!


New Contractor Member Applicants MUST Meet All The BCB Standards Of Membership Below To Be Given The Prestigious Designation Of "Registered Professional" title.

  1. Member contractor applicants must be either be a Corporation , DBA or LLC.
  2. Members must submit proof of liability insurance and workmen's comp if they have employees.
  3. Member's contracts must meet all the requirements under Article 36A of the NYS Business law!
  4. Member applicants cannot have any unsatisfied complaints registered with the Attorney General!
  5. Contractor member applicants must have been in business at least one full year or have 5 years experiencein their specific trade.
  6. The company principle cannot have been convicted of any home improvement crime!
  7. Members using a P.O. Box must provide their actual address to the BCB.
  8. Members using a cell phone as a business number only must provide their home phone number.
  9. Members must respond to all customer complaints in writing within 30 days.
  10. Members must agree to mediate all customer disputes through the BCB's in house mediation process.
  11. Members must agree to appear before the Ethics committee regarding unresolved complaints.
  12. Members must agree to abide by the BCB Code of Ethics.
  13. Members must agree to pay all court judgments awarded to customers.
  14. All members must respond to any and all BCB correspondence within 5 business days!
  15. Any member's annual dues that are more than 90 days past due is grounds for immediate expulsion!
Members must abide by the above standards of membership or failure to do so may result in the expulsion from the BCB.
In addition all new member applicants are on a 1-year probationary trial period during which time they may not use the
BCB logo in any type of permanent advertising such as the yellow Pages.

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