

The Better Contractors Bureau is a non-profit consumer protection agency established in 1974 to be of assistance to the homeowner when dealing with contractors. It mission is to "PROTECT & INFORM" the consumer and its goals are to Eliminate the unscrupulous contractors in the area and Upgrade the image of the home improvement industry.

The BCB, as it is more commonly known as has approximately 300 members who must meet rigid requirements to become a member! They must swear to abide by a strict Code of Ethics, provide proof of their liability and workmen's comp insurance, a N.Y.S. legal contract, and be in business for at least a minimum of one year or have five years experience in the trades. In addition they must provide two supplier and one past customer reference. They cannot have any outstanding unrectified complaints. Members are recognized as "Registered Professionals" after a one year trial period.

The BCB has close to 10,000 contractors on its data base and its services include complaint processing, mediation and formal arbitration through its relationship with the Center for Dispute Settlement, gives referrals and inquiries on contractors and offers an inspection service to verify that a consumer's complaint is justified. It also gives advice on trade and materials questions.

The BCB is now going into its 30th year and works closely with the Urban League, Lifespan, Attorney General and many trade organizations. It also publishes a free annual Consumer Guide & membership directory that is the most recognized and sought after booklet in the area. It contains a list of members with category listing and many consumers tips. For a copy call the office at 585-338-3600.

( Note: The BCB will not enter a dispute which has already entered legal channels or any complaint filed with any other organization! )

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