

The Better Contractor Bureaus Code of Ethics is subscribed to the elimination and prevention of unethical practices and unfair trade practices in the Home Improvement business. Through the B.C.B. Code of Ethics, it is hoped that the business of the industry may be conducted under fair and competitive conditions and that the public, as well as the industry, may be protected from such harmful practices.

 1. It is unethical to induce or attempt to induce a breach of lawful contract between competitors and their customers by any means.
 2. Imitation of competitors trademarks, trade names, brands or other distinctive words, phrases or marks, with the effect of misleading or deceiving the customer, is unethical.
 3. The down-grading of competitors by falsely conveying to others dishonorable conduct, inability to complete contracts, questionable credit standing; or the false disparagement of   the grade, quality or manufacturer of the products to be used by competitors, is unethical.
 4. All workmanship and materials will always be of the highest possible standard.
 5. It is unethical to promote a sale through the use of deception by means of advertisements, personal solicitations, or other representations or selling methods which promise rebates or commissions for the use of a customers house as a "model" or "demonstration" job.
 6. Willfully enticing away the employees of competitors is unethical.
 7. Misrepresenting that a person, or persons, is an official of a manufacturer or other outside agencies brought solely for the reason of his interest in a customer's particular contract is unethical.
 8. It is unethical for any person, firm or corporation to aid or induce directly or indirectly a person employed by competitors, to be disloyal to his employer through the method of shopping contract terms.
 9. Any basis of compensating a salesmen which encourages salesmen to charge unreasonable prices to customers for the purpose of increasing salesmen' commission, is unethical.
10. It is unethical to use any form of subterfuge to circumvent the carrying of Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance.
11. To use an implied guarantee by a government agency or lending agency, or statement that anyone else will assume obligation of note, in the event the customer cannot pay, or the securing of a Certificate of Completion prior to the completion of the work stated in the contract, is unethical.
12. No member may mention any other Member's name in any form of advertising whether in print, radio, or T.V. that belittles their product, prices or reputation.

Home Improvement Contractors who are Members of the Better Contractors Bureau Subscribe to the Above Code of Ethics

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