

Dear Customer, The Better Contractors Bureau, LTD is a non-profit consumer protection agency, founded in October 1974. Its purpose is to "Protect & Inform" the consumer and "Upgrade" the image of the industry and "ELIMINATE" the unscrupulous contractors operating in our area. We are sorry to hear that you are currently having a problem with a contractor. Listed below are the B.C.B. procedures for filing a complaint:

1.) COMPLAINTS cost - $30.00 processing fee

Complaints are accepted about workmanship on home building & remodeling projects and in suspected cases of senior citizens being taken advantage of. An attempt is made to settle the complaint amicably through the B.C.B. mediation process. Upon receipt of the complaint, the B.C.B. will review its contents and send a copy to the company in question, along with a request for a written response within the thirty- (30) day period. When the company responds in writing, the B.C.B. will then send you a copy of the response. If a company does NOT respond within the thirty- (30) day period, all paperwork is then forwarded to the Attorney General's Office.

Should in-house mediation fail, B.C.B. also offers formal arbitration through the Center for Dispute Settlement You can call the office for a brochure that explains about this service or call the Center for Dispute Settlement at 546-5110.

If you wish to have an inspection to verify the work contracted for you to document your complaint, simply fill out the complaint form accordingly and also indicate that you request an inspection. Please send the complaint form along with your check for both the processing fee and the inspection fee as listed below. You may also request only an inspection if you wish.

Upon receipt of your complaint and request for an inspection, the B.C.B. will have an inspector call you to set an appointment. A written report will be mailed to you shortly after the job is inspected. The complaint itself will go through our normal filing procedure above.

The cost of an inspection in Monroe County is $300.00. Outside counties by separate quote.
Should The Inspector Have To Appear In Court, there Is A Fee Of $200.00 per day.

Home Improvement Contractors who are Members of the Better Contractors Bureau Subscribe to the Above Code of Ethics


  • All complaints must be signed at the bottom of the form.

  • Complaints must be typed or neatly printed.

  • We cannot process a complaint that has already gone through Small Claims Court, or in the hands of an attorney and is entering legal channels.

  • Please send a copy of both sides of your contract if possible. Do not send the original.

  • Keep complaints brief but informative.

  • Be sure to indicate what will satisfy your complaint. This is very important.

  • Inspection fees differ. Call 338-3600 to verify the fee if you are unsure.

  • Any disputes or questions regarding sales tax can be answered by calling 1-800-225-5829 ext 5.

  • If after going through the complaint and/or inspection process and the company is still uncooperative, we suggest the consumer contact Center for Dispute Settlement at (585) 546-5110, Small Claims Court at (585) 428-2444, or your Attorney.

  • Fill out the complaint form, sign and return with your check or money order for processing expenses, in the amount of $30.00 plus the proper inspection fees for your county from the above list.

  • Make checks payable to Better Contractors Bureau LTD.

  • All Complaints are to be mailed to: Better Contractors Bureau, 1151 Titus Ave., Rochester, NY 14617.

  • While most complaints are concluded within days, others may take several weeks or sometimes months. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call our office.

The 2-page BCB Complaint Form has been saved in a .PDF format and requires a copy of Acrobat Reader for viewing and printing. The majority of computers already have a copy of Acrobat Reader installed. If you do not presently have a copy of Acrobat Reader installed you may download a free copy at the Adobe website


Home Improvement Contractors who are Members of the Better Contractors Bureau Subscribe to the Above Code of Ethics

Note: The BCB will not enter a dispute which has already entered legal channels or any complaint filed with any other organization!

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