In order to assist homeowners in guarding against fraudulent contractors and to educate homeowners on how to use the complaint process if they believe they are a victim of fraud, we offer the following informational links:
NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE A direct link to the NYS Attorney General's Office Web Site that provides a variety of information. HOME IMPROVEMENT FACT SHEET Important Information when considering Home Improvements. |
NEW YORK STATE CONSUMER PROTECTION A direct link to the NYS Consumer Protection Board Web Site that is focused on what to do if you believe you have been a victim of fraud and also provides tips on how to avoid becoming a victim. There is also a toll free phone number, 1-800-NYS-1220, to contact the office with your questions. |
FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION A direct link to The Federal Trade Commission Web Site that focuses on how The Federal Trade Commission enforces Federal antitrust and consumer protection laws. |
FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION BUREAU OF CONSUMER PROTECTION COMPLAINT FORM A direct link to the NYS Consumer Protection Board Web Site that is focused on what to do if you believe you have been a victim of fraud and also provides tips on how to avoid becoming a victim. There is also a toll free phone number, 1-800-NYS-1220, to contact the office with your questions. |
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