Note: The following is a list of BCB members by their specialty category. For more information on a company's status call the BCB office at 585-338-3600 or email to
Addante, Joseph - Architect | 223-6036 |
City of Rochester | 428-6526 |
Town of Brighton (Building Department) | 784-5250 | Town of Chili (Building Department) | 889-3550 | Town of Gates (Building Department) | 247-6100 | Town of Greece (Building Department) | 229-2000 | Town of Henrietta (Building Department) | 334-7700 | Town of Irondequoit (Building Department) | 467-8840 | Town of Ogden (Building Department) | 352-2145 | Town of Penfield (Building Department) | 377-8636 | Town of Perinton (Building Department) | 223-0770 | Town of Pittsford (Building Department) | 248-6265 | Town of Webster (Building Department) | 872-1000 | Village of East Rochester (Building Department) | 385-3513 | Village of Fairport (Building Department) | 421-3207 | BUILDING PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE (BPI) accredited contractors & Energy Smart | Alternative Carbon Energy Systems | 737-4126 | BSL Direct/Wonder Windows | 654-7000 | Betlem Residential Heating & Air Conditioning | 271-2273 | Crossfield Heating & Air Conditioning | 872-4420 | Home Comfort/All Star Energy, Inc. | 426-2237 | Home Energy Solutions | 442-4554 | Isaac Home Energy Performance | 546-1400 | John Betlem Heating & Cooling | 271-8888 | MIG Building Systems | 385-3030 | Pace Energy | 924-9276 | Rochester Colonial Mfg. Co. | 254-8191 | Taylor Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. | 328-9260 | True Energy Solutions, Inc. | 248-8783 |
Wise Home Energy LLC. | 270-5836 | BUSINESS SERVICES |
AFLAC New York | 545-0688 | Brodner Equipment Inc. | 247-5218 |
Brown & Brown (Insurance) | 697-1436 | CGI Communications, Inc. | 427-0020 | Capital Accounting Services (CPA) | 266-8095 |
Cutco | 716-7907181 | Dig Safely | 716-392-3973 | EDC (Fire Safety Equipment) | 924-2150 |
Expozures (Apparel) | 737-8600 |
Ferguson Enterprises | 458-2973 |
Ginevra Storage Units | 228-5500 | House At Work | 608-217-7961 | International Monetary Systems | 244-0600 | Joseph A. Addante Architect | 223-6036 | KR Communications | 716-877-1100 |
M & T Bank | 427-2906 | McGee & Noto Agency (Insurance) | 342-4920 | Media Resources | 315-849-6411 |
Merchants Plus | 474-5952 | Millennium Printing & Graphics | 797-4399 |
Oaks Dumpster Rental | 225-6257 | Optima Benefits Group (Insurance administration services) | 506-4000 |
Optimum Influence Media (Social Media Promotions) | 315-926-2691 |
PathStone | 442-2030 | Paychex (Payroll Services) | 218-5100 | Property Source | 458-0011 |
Social Jazz (Social Media Promotions) | 749-7439 | Tait Computer | 230-3304 |
The Computer Wizard | 729-4300 | Vincent Barone Law Office (BCB legal Counsel) | 546-6440 | Web Site Design Associates | 200-1805 |
Workiz, Inc. | 303-356-9841 | CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING & RUG REPAIR |
Clean Air Recovery | 269-9073 |
Quality Carpets | 544-3632 |
Wet Dry Carpet & Restoration | 230-7421 | CEILINGS | DeGeorge Ceiling | 266-0250 | CERAMIC TILE & MARBLE |
Innovative Home Remodeling | 388-5732 |
Mack of All Trades | 202-9218 | McKenna's Rochester Kitchen & Bath Center | 377-3434 | Page Countryside | 349-8100 |
Piccirillo Enterprises | 506-2972 | Quality Carpets | 544-3632 | CHIMNEYS/BRICK WORK | A-1 Chimney Services | 248-5710 | American Masonry & Chimney | 865-4170 | Cricket on the Hearth (Inspection) | 385-2420 | Fashionable Fireplaces | 342-1220 |
Four Winds Chimney | 727-1174 | Handyman Home Repair Service | 802-1544 |
Mr Fix-It | 266-7663 |
Pittsford Redevelopment | 734-2466 | Williamsom Hardware, Inc. | 315-589-4011 | CLOSET ACCESSORIES | G.S. Builders/Closet Maid | 671-9660 | Monroe Insulation & Gutter Co. | 385-3030 | CONSUMER ORGANIZATIONS & SERVICES | Center for Dispute Settlement | 546-5110 | City of Rochester (Community Development) | 428-6903 | Finger Lakes Building Officials | 734-5568 | Lifespan | 211 | NCPHIF | 855-902-6100 | N.Y.S. Attorney General's Office | 327-3240 | N.Y.S. Public Service Commission | 315-423-1099 | NYSERDA | 518-862-1090 | NeighborWorks | 325-4170 | Small Claims Court (City) | 428-2444 | Urban League of Rochester | 436-4377 | COUNTER TOPS - Formica, Granite,Slate, Stone, Slate & Marble | Arrow Kitchens | 670-9910 | Ed Gonfindini Associates LLC | 766-5336 | Empire Kitchen & Bath | 235-3050 | Kitchens By Premier | 338-2260 | McKenna's Rochester Kitchen & Bath Center | 377-3434 | Page Countryside | 349-8100 |
Premier Surfaces | 292-5340 | Rocky Mountain Granite & Marble, Inc. | 265-6610 |
Select Cabinetry | 427-7486 | Weckesser Brick Company | 247-1100 | CUSTOM WOODWORKING & FURNITURE (FINISHING & RESTORATIONS) | Bears Playgrounds | 624-5694 | Ed Gonfindini Associates LLC | 766-5336 | Empire Kitchen & Bath | 235-3050 | Gigglin Pig | 538-2830 | Meyer Home Improvement | 748-1863 | DEBRIS REMOVAL, HAULING & DEMOLITION |
John Welch Enterprise | 924-4488 | The Leipold Group, LLC | 427-2750 | Waste Management | 254-3500 |
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